Instructions for authors


Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically through the web at the following address:

Articles should be written in English and prepared with the text editor Latex following the template given in the website. Authors are requested to add names and current e-mail addresses of three scientists who may be contacted as referees for their paper.

File format and macro package

We prefer that articles be prepared in LateX2e, using the last version of AMSLaTeX and the amsart class. Articles may also be prepared in LaTeX2e or LaTeX209 with standard article class, or in Plain TeX.

A macro package in LateX2e, designed especially for Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, is available here.

Manuscript format:

We would like to bring the authors’ particular attention to the style of references. They should be given numbered (as specified in the template).

Figures should be placed in the text and accompanied by captions. Authors are requested not to put the list of captions at the end of the paper. In the electronic version, figures can be in color. They will be printed black and white unless the authors pay in addition for printing color figures (150 euros per page, this amount can be modified).

Electronic version of the paper can be accompanied by short movies with simulations or experiments (< 10 Mb). In this case, it should be indicated in the text of the paper.


Authors requested by the editor to revise the text of a manuscript, may revise and submit it again within 3 months. After this period, the manuscript will be regarded as a new submission.