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Cited article:
M. M. Meerschaert , P. Straka
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., 8 2 (2013) 1-16
Published online: 2013-04-24
This article has been cited by the following article(s):
106 articles | Pages:
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On a Fractional Stochastic Risk Model with a Random Initial Surplus and a Multi-Layer Strategy
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The Fokker–Planck equation for the time-changed fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic process
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Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2019
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A Semi-Markov Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model
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Razumikhin-type theorem on time-changed stochastic functional differential equations with Markovian switching
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Fractional Equations and Models
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Non-homogeneous space-time fractional Poisson processes
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Relaxation patterns and semi-Markov dynamics
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Non-Gaussian diffusion of mixed origins
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Fractional Brownian Motion Delayed by Tempered and Inverse Tempered Stable Subordinators
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A Hopf-Lax formula for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Caputo time-fractional derivative
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Limit theorems for the fractional nonhomogeneous Poisson process
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Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations
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Space-time duality and high-order fractional diffusion
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Inverse Stable Prior for Exponential Models
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Probabilistic representation formula for the solution of fractional high-order heat-type equations
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The Probabilistic Point of View on the Generalized Fractional Partial Differential Equations
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Subordinated affine structure models for commodity future prices
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Characterization of the inverse stable subordinator
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Fractional Queues with Catastrophes and Their Transient Behaviour
Giacomo Ascione, Nikolai Leonenko and Enrica Pirozzi Mathematics 6 (9) 159 (2018)
Path stability of stochastic differential equations
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Models for characterizing the transition among anomalous diffusions with different diffusion exponents
Trifce Sandev, Weihua Deng and Pengbo Xu Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (40) 405002 (2018)
On densities of the product, quotient and power of independent subordinators
K.K. Kataria and P. Vellaisamy Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 462 (2) 1627 (2018)
Chernoff Approximation for Semigroups Generated by Killed Feller Processes and Feynman Formulae for Time-Fractional Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations
Yana A. Butko Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 21 (5) 1203 (2018)
Space‐time fractional Dirichlet problems
Boris Baeumer, Tomasz Luks and Mark M. Meerschaert Mathematische Nachrichten 291 (17-18) 2516 (2018)
On the infinite divisibility of distributions of some inverse subordinators
Arun Kumar and Erkan Nane Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 509 (2018)
Anomalous diffusion with ballistic scaling: A new fractional derivative
James F. Kelly, Cheng-Gang Li and Mark M. Meerschaert Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 339 161 (2018)
Fractionally integrated inverse stable subordinators
Alexander Iksanov, Zakhar Kabluchko, Alexander Marynych and Georgiy Shevchenko Stochastic Processes and their Applications 127 (1) 80 (2017)
Bismut–Elworthy–Li formula for subordinated Brownian motion applied to hedging financial derivatives
M. Kateregga, S. Mataramvura, D. Taylor and Xibin Zhang Cogent Economics & Finance 5 (1) 1384125 (2017)
Intermittency fronts for space-time fractional stochastic partial differential equations in (d+1) dimensions
Sunday A. Asogwa and Erkan Nane Stochastic Processes and their Applications 127 (4) 1354 (2017)
Applications of inverse tempered stable subordinators
Mahmoud S. Alrawashdeh, James F. Kelly, Mark M. Meerschaert and Hans-Peter Scheffler Computers & Mathematics with Applications 73 (6) 892 (2017)
Solving Multidimensional Fractional Fokker--Planck Equations via Unbiased Density Formulas for Anomalous Diffusion Processes
Sean Carnaffan and Reiichiro Kawai SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (5) B886 (2017)
The fractional non-homogeneous Poisson process
Nikolai Leonenko, Enrico Scalas and Mailan Trinh Statistics & Probability Letters 120 147 (2017)
Finite dimensional Fokker–Planck equations for continuous time random walk limits
Ofer Busani Stochastic Processes and their Applications 127 (5) 1496 (2017)
Intermittence and Space-Time Fractional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Jebessa B. Mijena and Erkan Nane Potential Analysis 44 (2) 295 (2016)
Aging uncoupled continuous time random walk limits
Ofer Busani Electronic Journal of Probability 21 (none) (2016)
Renewal Theory for a System with Internal States
M. Niemann, E. Barkai, H. Kantz, A. Nepomnyashchy and V. Volpert Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 11 (3) 191 (2016)
Time-Inhomogeneous Jump Processes and Variable Order Operators
Enzo Orsingher, Costantino Ricciuti and Bruno Toaldo Potential Analysis 45 (3) 435 (2016)
A Semi-Markov Algorithm for Continuous Time Random Walk Limit Distributions
G. Gill, P. Straka, A. Nepomnyashchy and V. Volpert Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 11 (3) 34 (2016)
Non-linear Noise Excitation for some Space-Time Fractional Stochastic Equations in Bounded Domains
Mohammud Foondun, Jebessa B. Mijena and Erkan Nane Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 19 (6) 1527 (2016)
Modeling transport through an environment crowded by a mixture of obstacles of different shapes and sizes
Adam J. Ellery, Ruth E. Baker, Scott W. McCue and Matthew J. Simpson Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 449 74 (2016)
Comb Model with Slow and Ultraslow Diffusion
T. Sandev, A. Iomin, H. Kantz, et al. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 11 (3) 18 (2016)
Weak error for Continuous Time Markov Chains related to fractional in time P(I)DEs
M. Kelbert, V. Konakov and S. Menozzi Stochastic Processes and their Applications 126 (4) 1145 (2016)
Convolution-Type Derivatives, Hitting-Times of Subordinators and Time-Changed C 0-semigroups
Bruno Toaldo Potential Analysis 42 (1) 115 (2015)
Some Skew-Symmetric Distributions Which Include the Bimodal Ones
Dexter O. Cahoy Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 44 (3) 554 (2015)
1 to 100 of 106 articles