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A hierarchical intervention scheme based on epidemic severity in a community network
Runzi He, Xiaofeng Luo, Joshua Kiddy K. Asamoah, Yongxin Zhang, Yihong Li, Zhen Jin and Gui-Quan Sun Journal of Mathematical Biology 87(2) (2023)
Heterogeneous pair-approximation analysis for susceptible–infectious–susceptible epidemics on networks
Pairwise approximation for
-type network epidemics with non-Markovian recovery
G. Röst, Z. Vizi and I. Z. Kiss Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 474(2210) 20170695 (2018)
Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks
István Z. Kiss, Joel C. Miller and Péter L. Simon Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks 46 207 (2017)
Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks
István Z. Kiss, Joel C. Miller and Péter L. Simon Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks 46 117 (2017)
Phase transitions for information diffusion in random clustered networks