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A skin microbiome model with AMP interactions and analysis of quasi-stability vs stability in population dynamics
Eléa Thibault Greugny, François Fages, Ovidiu Radulescu, Peter Szmolyan and Georgios N. Stamatas Theoretical Computer Science 983 114294 (2024)
Reduction of Chemical Reaction Networks with Approximate Conservation Laws
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Algorithmic Reduction of Biological Networks with Multiple Time Scales
Niclas Kruff, Christoph Lüders, Ovidiu Radulescu, Thomas Sturm and Sebastian Walcher Mathematics in Computer Science 15(3) 499 (2021)
Balanced truncation for model reduction of biological oscillators
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Automated Reasoning for Systems Biology and Medicine
Satya Swarup Samal, Jeyashree Krishnan, Ali Hadizadeh Esfahani, et al. Computational Biology, Automated Reasoning for Systems Biology and Medicine 30 269 (2019)
Satya Swarup Samal, Jeyashree Krishnan, Ali Hadizadeh Esfahani, Christoph Lüders, Andreas Weber and Ovidiu Radulescu (2018)
Model reduction in chemical dynamics: slow invariant manifolds, singular perturbations, thermodynamic estimates, and analysis of reaction graph
Jasha Sommer-Simpson, John Reinitz, Leonid Fridlyand, Louis Philipson and Ovidiu Radulescu Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computational Methods in Systems Biology 9859 273 (2016)
Geometric analysis of pathways dynamics: Application to versatility of TGF-β receptors