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Impacts of seasonality and parasitism on honey bee population dynamics
Jun Chen, Jordy O. Rodriguez Rincon, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, Jennifer Fewell, Jon Harrison and Yun Kang Journal of Mathematical Biology 87(1) (2023)
Mathematical modelling of between hive transmission of Nosemosis by drifting
Analysis of background variability of honey bee colony size
Alessio Ippolito, Andreas Focks, Maj Rundlöf, Andres Arce, Marco Marchesi, Franco Maria Neri, Agnès Rortais, Csaba Szentes and Domenica Auteri EFSA Supporting Publications 18(3) (2021)
Population dynamics of Varroa mite and honeybee: Effects of parasitism with age structure and seasonality
Review on mathematical modeling of honeybee population dynamics
Jun Chen, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, Vardayani Ratti and Yun Kang Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18(6) 9606 (2021)
A spatial model of honey bee colony collapse due to pesticide contamination of foraging bees