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Solvability in the sense of sequences for some linear and nonlinear Fredholm operators with the logarithmic Laplacian

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Nonlocal Reaction–Diffusion Models of Heterogeneous Wealth Distribution

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Front Propagation of a Sexual Population with Evolution of Dispersion: A Formal Analysis

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Nonlocal and nonlinear evolution equations in perforated domains

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Existence of solutions for some non‐Fredholm integro‐differential equations with the bi‐Laplacian

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Mathematical models for cell migration: a non-local perspective

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Analytical and numerical detection of traveling wave and wave-train solutions in a prey–predator model with weak Allee effect

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The spreading speed of an SIR epidemic model with nonlocal dispersal

Jong-Shenq Guo, Amy Ai Ling Poh and Masahiko Shimojo
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From Nonlocal to Classical Shigesada--Kawasaki--Teramoto Systems: Triangular Case with Bounded Coefficients

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Local Theory for Spatio-Temporal Canards and Delayed Bifurcations

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The Bramson delay in the non-local Fisher-KPP equation

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Effects of boundary conditions on pattern formation in a nonlocal prey–predator model

Swadesh Pal, Malay Banerjee and S. Ghorai
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Global boundedness, hair trigger effect, and pattern formation driven by the parametrization of a nonlocal Fisher-KPP problem

Jing Li, Li Chen and Christina Surulescu
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Spatial dynamics of a nonlocal bistable reaction diffusion equation

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Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2020 (01-132) 84 (2020)

Controlling an alien predator population by regional controls

Sebastian Aniţa, Vincenzo Capasso and Gabriel Dimitriu
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 46 82 (2019)

Branching Brownian Motion with Decay of Mass and the Nonlocal Fisher‐KPP Equation

Louigi Addario‐Berry, Julien Berestycki and Sarah Penington
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 72 (12) 2487 (2019)

Pattern formation in a diffusive intraguild predation model with nonlocal interaction effects

Renji Han, Binxiang Dai and Yuming Chen
AIP Advances 9 (3) (2019)

Stable Numerical Solutions Preserving Qualitative Properties of Nonlocal Biological Dynamic Problems

M.-A. Piqueras, R. Company and L. Jódar
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2019 1 (2019)

Dynamics of fitness distributions in the presence of a phenotypic optimum: an integro-differential approach

M-E Gil, F Hamel, G Martin and L Roques
Nonlinearity 32 (10) 3485 (2019)

Time-asymptotic convergence rates towards discrete steady states of a nonlocal selection-mutation model

Wenli Cai, Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin and Hailiang Liu
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 29 (11) 2063 (2019)

Existence in the Sense of Sequences of Stationary Solutions for Some Non-Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations

V. Vougalter and V. Volpert
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 228 (6) 601 (2018)

Numerical Solution of Diffusion and Reaction–Diffusion Partial Integro-Differential Equations

Imran Aziz and Imran Khan
International Journal of Computational Methods 15 (06) 1850047 (2018)

The Origin of Species by Means of Mathematical Modelling

Nikolai Bessonov, Natalia Reinberg, Malay Banerjee and Vitaly Volpert
Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4) 333 (2018)

Analysis of a Prey–Predator Model with Non-local Interaction in the Prey Population

S. Pal, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 80 (4) 906 (2018)

Existence of stationary solutions for some non-Fredholm integro-differential equations with superdiffusion

Vitali Vougalter and Vitaly Volpert
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 9 (1) 1 (2018)

Discovering the effect of nonlocal payoff calculation on the stabilty of ESS: Spatial patterns of Hawk–Dove game in metapopulations

Ozgur Aydogmus
Journal of Theoretical Biology 442 87 (2018)

Influence of the Environment on Pattern Formation in the One-Dimensional Nonlocal Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov Model

A. V. Shapovalov and V. V. Obukhov
Russian Physics Journal 61 (6) 1093 (2018)

Prey-Predator Model with a Nonlocal Bistable Dynamics of Prey

Malay Banerjee, Nayana Mukherjee and Vitaly Volpert
Mathematics 6 (3) 41 (2018)

On the Existence in the Sense of Sequences of Stationary Solutions for Some Systems of Non-Fredholm Integro-differential Equations

Vitali Vougalter and Vitaly Volpert
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 15 (5) (2018)

Validity of amplitude equations for nonlocal nonlinearities

Christian Kuehn and Sebastian Throm
Journal of Mathematical Physics 59 (7) (2018)

Mathematical Properties of a Class of Integro-differential Models from Population Genetics

Marie-Eve Gil, Francois Hamel, Guillaume Martin and Lionel Roques
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 77 (4) 1536 (2017)

Super-linear spreading in local and non-local cane toads equations

Emeric Bouin, Christopher Henderson and Lenya Ryzhik
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 108 (5) 724 (2017)

Dynamical effects of nonlocal interactions in discrete-time growth-dispersal models with logistic-type nonlinearities

Ozgur Aydogmus, Yun Kang, Musa Emre Kavgaci and Huseyin Bereketoglu
Ecological Complexity 31 88 (2017)

The Effect of Climate Shift on a Species Submitted to Dispersion, Evolution, Growth, and Nonlocal Competition

Matthieu Alfaro, Henri Berestycki and Gaël Raoul
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (1) 562 (2017)

Traveling waves for a lattice dynamical system arising in a diffusive endemic model

Yan-Yu Chen, Jong-Shenq Guo and François Hamel
Nonlinearity 30 (6) 2334 (2017)

Applied Analysis in Biological and Physical Sciences

Malay Banerjee, Moitri Sen and Vitaly Volpert
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Applied Analysis in Biological and Physical Sciences 186 27 (2016)

Traveling wave solutions in a nonlocal reaction-diffusion population model

Bang-Sheng Han and Zhi-Cheng Wang
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 15 (3) 1057 (2016)

Prey-predator model with a nonlocal consumption of prey

M. Banerjee and V. Volpert
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (8) (2016)

Stabilizing Role of Nonlocal Interaction on Spatio-temporal Pattern Formation

M. Banerjee, L. Zhang, A. Morozov, M. Ptashnyk and V. Volpert
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 11 (5) 103 (2016)

Regional control in optimal harvesting of population dynamics

Sebastian Aniţa, Vincenzo Capasso and Ana-Maria Moşneagu
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 147 191 (2016)

Asymptotics semiclassically concentrated on curves for the nonlocal Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov equation

E A Levchenko, A V Shapovalov and A Yu Trifonov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (30) 305203 (2016)

Traveling waves for the nonlocal diffusive single species model with Allee effect

Bang-Sheng Han, Zhi-Cheng Wang and Zhaosheng Feng
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 443 (1) 243 (2016)

Population dynamics under selection and mutation: Long-time behavior for differential equations in measure spaces

Azmy S. Ackleh, John Cleveland and Horst R. Thieme
Journal of Differential Equations 261 (2) 1472 (2016)

Traveling wave solutions in a nonlocal reaction-diffusion population model

Bang-Sheng Han and Zhi-Cheng Wang
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 15 (3) 1057 (2016)

Preface to the Issue Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Equations

M. Alfaro, N. Apreutesei, F. Davidson, et al.
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10 (6) 1 (2015)

Modulated traveling fronts for a nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation: A dynamical systems approach

Grégory Faye and Matt Holzer
Journal of Differential Equations 258 (7) 2257 (2015)

Patterns and Transitions to Instability in an Intraspecific Competition Model with Nonlocal Diffusion and Interaction

O. Aydogmus, M. Alfaro, N. Apreutesei, F. Davidson and V. Volpert
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10 (6) 17 (2015)

Time-asymptotic convergence rates towards the discrete evolutionary stable distribution

Wenli Cai, Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin and Hailiang Liu
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 25 (08) 1589 (2015)

A Nagumo-type model for competing populations with nonlocal coupling

M.C. Tanzy, V.A. Volpert, A. Bayliss and M.E. Nehrkorn
Mathematical Biosciences 263 70 (2015)

On pulse solutions of a reaction–diffusion system in population dynamics

V. Volpert, N. Reinberg, M. Benmir and S. Boujena
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 120 76 (2015)

Non local Lotka-Volterra system with cross-diffusion in an heterogeneous medium

Joaquin Fontbona and Sylvie Méléard
Journal of Mathematical Biology 70 (4) 829 (2015)

On bounded positive stationary solutions for a nonlocal Fisher–KPP equation

Franz Achleitner and Christian Kuehn
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 112 15 (2015)

Patterns for Competing Populations with Species Specific Nonlocal Coupling

A. Bayliss, V. A. Volpert, M. Alfaro, et al.
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10 (6) 30 (2015)

Asymptotic behaviour of travelling waves for the delayed Fisher–KPP equation

Arnaud Ducrot and Grégoire Nadin
Journal of Differential Equations 256 (9) 3115 (2014)