New CiteScore for Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena shows a significant increase
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- Published on 24 June 2022

Following the release of the latest CiteScores by Scopus, we are pleased to report that the 2021 CiteScore for Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) is 5.7 – an increase from 4 in 2020. It is now ranked 56/590 in Applied Mathematics placing it in Q1 of both this and the Modeling and Simulation category. We are happy to see the high-quality content published by MMNP in open access continuing to make an impact in the mathematical modelling community and proud of the journal’s continued growth.
Mathematical modelling has, of course, been much in evidence during the Covid-19 pandemic and this is reflected by many of the most-cited papers appearing in the Coronavirus: Scientific insights and societal aspects special issue. In 2020, MMNP was the first maths journal in the world to transition to a Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) open access model. This timely transition means that the Coronavirus special issue is freely available in open access.
Scopus began providing CiteScores 11 years ago. They are now available for more than 27,000 titles in 332 disciplines. According to Scopus, “CiteScore metrics deliver greater insight into research impact and influence… researchers can use CiteScore to help determine where to publish and showcase their research as well as identify serial titles to read.”
We would like to thank all our Editors, reviewers and authors for their hard work which has contributed to this success. Stay up-to-date with the latest research from MMNP by signing up for free e-mail alerts.