Issue |
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom.
Volume 9, Number 5, 2014
Spectral problems
Page(s) | 254 - 269 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 July 2014 |
Calculation of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by a Small Impedance Particle of an Arbitrary Shape
1 Department of Mathematics, Kansas
State University, Manhattan, KS
2 Pidstryhach Institute for Applied
Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, NASU Naukova St., 3B, 79060, Lviv, Ukraine
Corresponding author. E-mail:
Scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves by small (ka ≪ 1) impedance particle D of an arbitrary shape, embedded in a homogeneous medium, is studied. Analytic, closed form, formula for the scattered field is derived. The scattered field is of the order O(a2 − κ), where κ ∈ [ 0,1) is a number. This field is much larger than in the case of Rayleigh-type scattering. The numerical results demonstrate a wide range of applicability of the analytic formula for the scattered field. Comparison with Mie-type solution is carried out for various boundary impedances and radii of the particle.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 78A45 / 65Z05
Key words: electromagnetic waves / wave scattering by small body / boundary impedance / computational testing
© EDP Sciences, 2014
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