Issue |
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom.
Volume 16, 2021
Cancer modelling
Article Number | 14 | |
Number of page(s) | 21 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 March 2021 |
Memory effects on the proliferative function in the cycle-specific of chemotherapy
Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GC University,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi, Romania.
* Corresponding author: dumitru
A generalized mathematical model of the breast and ovarian cancer is developed by considering the fractional differential equations with Caputo time-fractional derivatives. The use of the fractional model shows that the time-evolution of the proliferating cell mass, the quiescent cell mass, and the proliferative function are significantly influenced by their history. Even if the classical model, based on the derivative of integer order has been studied in many papers, its analytical solutions are presented in order to make the comparison between the classical model and the fractional model. Using the finite difference method, numerical schemes to the Caputo derivative operator and Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator are obtained. Numerical solutions to the fractional differential equations of the generalized mathematical model are determined for the chemotherapy scheme based on the function of “on-off” type. Numerical results, obtained with the Mathcad software, are discussed and presented in graphical illustrations. The presence of the fractional order of the time-derivative as a parameter of solutions gives important information regarding the proliferative function, therefore, could give the possible rules for more efficient chemotherapy.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 34A30 / 34A08
Key words: Proliferative function / characteristic multipliers / Caputo derivative / fractional integral operator / numerical solutions
© The authors. Published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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