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Evolution of non-stationary pulses in a cold magnetized quark-gluon plasma
D.A. Fogaça, R. Fariello, F.S. Navarra and Y.A. Stepanyants Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 83 105144 (2020)
Nonlinear Waves in a Rotating Ocean (The Ostrovsky Equation and Its Generalizations and Applications)
Formation of wave packets in the Ostrovsky equation for both normal and anomalous dispersion
Roger Grimshaw, Yury Stepanyants and Azwani Alias Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 472(2185) 20150416 (2016)
Validity of the Weakly Nonlinear Solution of the Cauchy Problem for the Boussinesq‐Type Equation
K. R. Khusnutdinova, K. R. Moore and D. E. Pelinovsky Studies in Applied Mathematics 133(1) 52 (2014)
High accuracy numerical methods for the Gardner–Ostrovsky equation
Modeling the dynamics of intense internal waves on the shelf
T. G. Talipova, E. N. Pelinovsky, A. A. Kurkin and O. E. Kurkina Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 50(6) 630 (2014)
On strongly interacting internal waves in a rotating ocean and coupled Ostrovsky equations
A. Alias, R. H. J. Grimshaw and K. R. Khusnutdinova Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23(2) (2013)