Table 2

The estimation of key transmission characteristics across different demographic regions.

Demographic region Italy UK USA Spain South Korea
95% CI 1.31–2.96 1.91–4.76 1.29–6.88 1.74–3.35 2.12–3.15
Mean value 2.04 2.96 3.28 2.30 2.52
Median 1.92 2.75 2.95 2.19 2.48
Mean latent period 95% CI 5.10–13.80 4.10–16.50 3.36–13.82 4.09–8.50 3.02–4.33
Mean value 9.04 8.49 7.14 5.79 3.88
Median 8.64 7.66 6.69 5.67 3.95
Inflection point 95% CI Apr.9 – Apr.19 Apr.12 - Apr.29 Jul.24 - Feb.6,2021 Apr.7 – May.5 Mar.10 – Mar.18
Real date Apr.19 Apr.23 Mar.15
maximal Iq + χ Aq 95% CI 0.99–1.22 0.64–1.16 17.72–33.75 0.89–1.16 0.078-0.093
(×105) Real data 1.08257 1.01617 0.07577

Demographic region Iran France Germany Japan Chinese mainland

95% CI 1.07–3.63 1.29–2.68 1.77–3.10 1.59–5.16 1.70–2.63
Mean value 2.07 1.74 2.30 2.44 2.08
Median 1.98 1.65 2.25 2.14 2.05
Mean latent period 95% CI 4.60–8.27 4.14–9.85 3.45–10.11 3.43–4.89 2.79–4.03
Mean value 6.63 6.14 5.96 4.49 3.54
Median 6.73 5.81 5.68 4.61 3.59
Inflection point 95% CI Mar.28 – Apr.10 Apr.9 – Jun.14 Apr.1 – Apr.12 Apr.24 – May.7 Feb.14 – Feb.19
Real date Apr.5 Apr.21 Apr.6 Apr.27 Feb.17
maximal Iq + χ Aq 95% CI 0.21–0.54 0.58–1.13 0.61–0.81 0.07–0.15 0.49-0.65
(×105) Real data 0.34887 0.91763 0.72864 0.11869 0.58016

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