Free Access
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom.
Volume 7, Number 5, 2012
Page(s) 1 - 3
Published online 17 October 2012
  1. H.T Banks, G. Bocharov, Z. Grossman, A. Meyerhans. Preface [Google Scholar]
  2. W.E. Paul. The Immune System – Complexity Exemplified [Google Scholar]
  3. H.T. Banks, S. Hu. Propagation of growth uncertainty in a physiologically structured population [Google Scholar]
  4. H.T. Banks, W.C. Thompson. Mathematical models of dividing cell populations : application to CFSE data [Google Scholar]
  5. Ben J.C. Quah, A. Bruce Lyons, C.R. Parish. The use of CFSE-like dyes for measuring lymphocyte proliferation : experimental considerations and biological variables [Google Scholar]
  6. F. Kappel. Modeling the dynamics of the cardiovascular-respiratory system (CVRS) in humans, a survey [Google Scholar]
  7. G. Bocharov, V.A. Chereshnev, I. Gainova, S. Bazhan, B. Bachmetyev, J.M. Argilaguet, J.P. Martinez, A. Meyerhans. Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection : from biological observations to mechanistic mathematical modelling [Google Scholar]
  8. E. Domingo, C. Perales. From quasispecies theory to viral quasispecies : how complexity has permeated virology [Google Scholar]
  9. G. Pérez-Vilaró, J. Jungfleisch, V. Saludes, N. Scheller, M. Giménez-Barcons, J. Díez. Host factors in viral life cycles [Google Scholar]

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