Table 1

Parameter definition and value.

Parameters Definition Value Standard deviation Source
β1 Transmission rate in adolescents 0.1061 0.00575 MCMC
β2 Transmission rate in young adults 0.25 0.00572 MCMC
β3 Transmission rate in middle age 0.32 0.0579 MCMC
β4 Transmission rate in the elder age 0.1797 0.00573 MCMC
m Detection rate 0.2 0.00578 MCMC
1∕q Latent period 5.2 - [5]
1∕γ Course of the disease 7 - [5, 16]
1∕γ1 Course of the disease 7 - [16, 22]
α The transfer rate from susceptibles to unsusceptibles 0.5 0.0788 MCMC
α1 The transfer rate from unsusceptibles to susceptibles 0.15 0.00585 MCMC

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